So what does acupuncture, stress, friends and work have to do with anything? Mainly, it means that this semester is finally complete. And I passed Spanish 3 with a "B" which is some sort of miracle that I can't even explain.
This semester has been filled with some much joy that I can't even begin to explain. I have never clicked so quickly with three different girls in my life that made them my best friends. (Ashley, Kaiti and Mikayla -- if ya'll are reading this, I am so thankful for you)
I couldn't imagine a better friend than Allyson either. I am so thankful for her in my life. She has been there through thick and thin. She's the coolest. I would do anything for that kid.
This semester, I have finally decided what I want to do with my life so if I didn't accomplish anything else (which I think I might have), I have decided that I am going to pursue my masters in Student Affairs and become a Resident Director. I am stoked. For the past few months, I have been looking at this website that posts jobs for Higher Education jobs and it's awesome just to see the potential future that I could have. I feel that God has given me the passion to inspire people. And if I never become a Resident Director, I will be okay because I will inspire people some other way. And that just makes me super giddy and excited about life. God is pretty cool.
And shoutout to my mentor, Francie, who has pushed me to follow my dreams. And for being my friend even when I'm in a terrible mood.
Also this semester, I became way too overly involved. Which made my life that much more stressful and awesome. I have met so many different people and have gotten to work with so many different people -- it's been awesome. I've been mentored by some of the greatest people at HPU. I love it.
I also got the cool opportunity to be an RA this semester and will be one again next semester. Most days are simple. I get to hang out with my residents and take them out to eat or just talk about life. Other times, my life is so chaotic that I don't get to hangout with them as much as I would like. And that makes me feel like I suck at my job.
I like that in those moments of suckage that God shows me just how much I don't suck in His eyes. Those moments are golden and precious. I hold them close to my heart. He reminds me that I am unworthy of so much but that when He died for me, He thought that my life was priceless. He's so good to me.
There was heartbreak as well this semester. I watched people struggle with mental health issues and that hurt my heart. I watched myself struggle with self worth and not ever believing I was good enough.
God is cool though with reminding me that I (and all of his children) are His masterpieces. And He is never through making masterpieces out of us.
So, in conclusion. First semester of Junior year was hard. Not going to lie or butter it up at all. But I am one semester closer to following through with my dreams. I am excited and happy and stoked for the future and what the good Lord holds.
Life is good. Stress be gone.
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