

map yo

map yo

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Take It From Me: Advice From A Tattooed Twenty-Something

Sooo... For those of you who don't know - I love tattoos. My parents however are not fans. Obviously, everyone who has tattoos knows that you quickly want more after the first and the second. I've had people "give me advice" on how to hide it from my family. Here are their tips.

1) just don't tell them.
- done. Easy enough right?

2) don't post them on social media
-  once again - done. Seems easy.

3) get them in a place where they won't see them
- ding, ding, ding - we have a winner.

Obviously, option number 3 seems the best right?

Let me give you my two cents. I have been tempted to in fact, get a tattoo where my parents couldn't see it. Maybe on my ribs, on my back, or on my foot. However, you never know when something is going to happen.

Recently, I had elbow surgery and the staples made it very uncomfortable to move my arm so I didn't. So yes, my mom had to bathe me. This is where those sneaky tattoos come into place. Luckily, I didn't go and get anymore tattoos. So I didn't have to hide anything. Dodged a bullet there.

Take it from me, wait until you've graduated college, moved far away, and are a functioning member of society to get a tattoo :)

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